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Getting personal with existing qualitative data: the fundamentals of data re-use and qualitative secondary analysis

Monday 10 - Wednesday 12 May, 2021

10th, 11th and 12th May:  A Three-Day Workshop using the Timescapes Archive (rescheduled following the postponement of our Jan 2021 course)

Dr Anna Tarrant and Dr Kahryn Hughes

This exciting and immersive three-day workshop will develop your knowledge and skills in reusing and analysing archived qualitative data. Using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous presentations, alongside group-based activities, this workshop will provide an opportunity for you to engage in data reuse and explore the potentials of methods of Qualitative Secondary Analysis (QSA). Methods of QSA enable qualitative researchers to engage analytically with questions of data reuse for the purposes of building new research directions, questions and analyses, while simultaneously engaging with questions central to rigorous qualitative research. This includes how data are put to use and how they are rendered as particular kinds of evidence in relation to specific analytic foci and substantive concerns.

Over the three days, guided data analysis activities will be structured by short video presentations that focus on introducing methods of qualitative secondary data analysis, covering key methodological debates in the field. You will be supported to register for the Timescapes Archive and guided through hands-on sessions exploring the ethics of QSA and processes of data sharing. Your registration for the Timescapes Archive will give you access to a specialist repository of qualitative longitudinal data endorsed and supported by the national UK Data Archive. In individual, group and paired work you will use these data through a range of ‘depth-to-breadth’ methodological strategies in qualitative secondary analysis, in ways which will encourage you to consider how you might reuse data as part of, or for, your own research.

Contact: Sarah Mclaughlin

Website and registration: