A National Networking and Agenda Setting Event A national networking and agenda setting event that brought together professionals from public and third sector services with an interest in grandparents who have residential care, whether formal or informal, of their grandchildren. There were three main aims for the Event. The first was to share our research...
There is a growing interest in the use of qualitative longitudinal and life history methods in third sector research. Engaging qualitatively with time enables a more finely grained understanding of the dynamics of third sector organisations: their histories, their strategies for the future, and their journeys through a complex and rapidly changing policy landscape. This...
Sharing Experiences of a Qualitative Longitudinal Study As part of the Timescapes Seminar Series: The Choice and Change study has longitudinally examined the experiences of welfare service users that have made choices about their services and support, within the context of changing circumstances. Conducted as part of the Social Policy Research Unit’s department of Health-funded...
Taking the future as its starting point, this seminar on 15 November 2010 investigated data on young people’s orientation to their future lives, gathered through a range of historical and contemporary studies, including the National Child Development Study, Ray Pahl’s Isle of Sheppey study, the British Household Panel study and childhood and youth projects within...
The Timescapes seminar series was designed to bring together researchers who are using QL methods or considering designing a QL study, to share good practice and explore the theoretical and methodological aspects of working qualitatively through time. Lunchtime Seminar Series in collaberation with FLaG and CIRCLE. 2011 9 March 2011 Third Sector Seminar - Research in the...
The Timescapes project was launched on 31st January 2008, and the event included an afternoon seminar on ‘Researching Lives Through Time’. Keynote speakers at that seminar were Barbara Adam, Jenny Hockey, and Paul Thompson. The Timescapes Working Paper 1 presents these talks. The first contribution in this collection was by Barbara Adam, who has been at the...