QL research workshops, seminars and resources
QL Research Methods Workshop, 7 May 2013
The slides which may be accessed here were used in support of presentations at a research methods training day on 7 May 2013. This was run by the Centre for Research into Families, Life Course and Generations at the University of Leeds, in conjunction with Timescapes.
- Libby Bishop - Archived Qualitative Data for Longitudinal Secondary Analysis
- Jo Haynes - Using archived qualitative data in teaching and learning
- Sarah Irwin - Context in secondary analysis, working across QL data sets and reflections on QL analysis
- Bren Neale - Qualitative Longitudinal Analysis in Social Research
- Rachel Thomson - Critical Moments? Capturing meaning and significance in qualitative longitudinal data
- Mandy Winterton - Qualitative longitudinal analysis: biography and social class
Seminar Presentations on QL methods and the Timescapes Archive
Here you can access two seminar presentations that were delivered as part of the Methods at Manchester seminar series during 2010, and 2011. These were filmed in 2011.
The first seminar, presented by Bren Neale, is a broad introduction to QL methods. It highlights some of the intricacies of researching in and through time and explores the rich potential and some of the challenges of this methodology. The presentation is suitable for research students or early career researchers who are interested in pursuing QL research. The second video, presented by Libby Bishop, is an introdcution to the Timescapes Archive and explores the scope for developing secondary analysis of archived data.
Journeys through Time: The Contours of Qualitative Longitudinal research
Download slides from this presentation
Video provided by Methods@Manchester: Seminars on Research Methods related to the Social Sciences.
The Timescapes Archive: A resource for QL social research
Download slides from this presentation
Video provided by Methods@Manchester: Seminars on Research Methods related to the Social Sciences.
Conducting QL research in the Field: A resource for students
Video produced by In The Field Films - an independent production company making films about qualitative research methods for an academic audience.